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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cubify ready to start in era of 3D printing

What you see here in the photo is the Cube 3D Printer, and I believe that soon every home will have something like it, just like every home has a “2D” printer now.I got a chance to see it demonstrated at CES, and I discovered that 3D printing is even more accessible than I thought. I have seen 3D printers at work before, but the Cube made some very detailed models that I didn’t think were capable of a 3D printer.For example, I saw a figurine that had several colors on it, and I simply assumed that it was made on a 3D printer and then painted later. To my surprise, I was told that the figurine was printed out, in full color.You can purchase the Cube here at a cost of $1,999. That is a little expensive for a typical household, but as I recall, so were most PCs back in the day.It really is a matter of the 3D printing technology getting better and cheaper before it is adopted into every household, and it looks like Cubify could be the company that really “gets it out there”, like TiVo did the DVR. In fact, you can click the Source link to read some more information, and to see the community that it has.

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