
Search and Get


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

History Of Yahoo

In 1994 two young electrical engineers jerry young and David Filo invented a new web site which they named as "David and jerry's guide to the world wide web". In this web site they created a directory of other web sites and organized them in a hierarchy. They renamed their website as "yet another hierarchical officious oracle". This was a backronym for "yahoo". According to David and young they chose this name because they were impressed from the book Gulliver's Travel written by Jonathan Swift. The URL of yahoo was The Yahoo domain was created on the 18th of January 1995, but before that yahoo has already become popular with one million hits. In 1996 yahoo offered their 2.6 million shares and yahoo raised 33.8 million dollars by selling these shares.

Yahoo used the exclamation mark as their trade mark. There is also a rumor that David and jerry kept this name because they were impressed by the song yahoo of Shammi Kapoor.After raising 33.8 million dollars yahoo started to expand their business. They took their first step for this in 1997 when they acquired a communication company named as four 11 and turned its webmail service "rocketmail" into yahoo mail. After that they purchased a few more companies as well like Classic, Yoyodyne Entertainment, Geocities and eGroups. These companies were later on merged in the yahoo incorporation. Yahoo is a global company now and represents its organization all over the world. There are at least 38 international markets due to which yahoo had kept a variety of languages on their website. Yahoo introduced search scan in 2008, this add on feature alerts the user automatically if there is any virus, spyware and spam on the website. This is a really a very good tool for the users as 90% of the viruses comes through the internet. In 2002 yahoo bought a search engine provider who use to provide search results to other companies. This search engine used to power yahoo in earlier days of yahoo.

In 2003 yahoo bought a company with a name of Overture Services Incorporation, this company consists of two search engines which were Alltheweb and AltaVista search engines. However yahoo did not use these search engines for their own company, infect they kept on using Google for their search results.
In 2003 yahoo terminated their contract with the Google and reinvented a new search engine. In this search engine yahoo combined all the characteristics and qualities of their search engines along with the existing research and put them in all of it in one search engine. Due to this yahoo became one of the biggest competitors of Google.In 2008 yahoo introduced a new and unique service in the market called "Build Your Own Search Service" commonly known as BOSS. This service allows the user to build a custom search engine. This launch was an instant hit. One of the biggest reasons behind the yahoo's popularity is its unique features and modern technology.

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